My husband Rod and I have a ritual of watching the evening news. We gather to see and reflect on what’s happening in our community, country and the world each day. The past several months have been so filled with chaos, grief, and loss, and I sometimes wonder, “where is God?” By the end of the broadcast the “Good News” is revealed and keeps me coming back. I watch people young, old, rich, poor and those in between, loving and caring for their neighbors in these difficult times. These are the modern-day saints and heroes of our time, and I am reminded that God is at work through these people!
Scripture tells us that we are to “love our neighbors as ourselves.” We are called to help and care for those in need. Jesus says, if someone asks you to pray for them, then pray. If someone is hungry and in need of food, feed them. If someone needs shelter, help find a place to stay. If someone needs a listening ear, listen. Do it not with a grudging heart, but with a loving heart. We remember every act of unselfish kindness to others is an act of love to God.
The pandemic is hard on all of us, but it is especially hard on the vulnerable. As a board member of the Palm Beach County Food Bank, I know the demand for food has increased 100% since COVID-19 began. People who have never needed hunger relief are waiting in long lines at our pantries and agencies. Even in difficult times, there is Good News. We at the Food Bank gave away 10 million pounds of food between March 1 and June 30th and another 6 million pounds since then. It takes courage and passion to care for our neighbors who suffer.
I am grateful and proud to say our Bethesda community will continue to hold Feeding in February, and as a component of that, Palm Beach Empty Bowls on February 26, 2021, to support The Palm Beach County Food Bank. Even though the event will be very different this year, we need many Saints, Heroes and Volunteers to ensure Empty Bowls’ success. Thank you to all who helped us last year and to those who will pitch in again this year. It takes courage, passion, and faith to open our hearts and help our neighbors in need. It is wonderful to think we at Bethesda are a big part of God’s Good News!
Deacon Cecie