We are thrilled to open the nave for an 8:00 a.m. service this Sunday! Please see the instructions below for joining us at this service to ensure the best care for all who worship.
In general:
- Properly wear mask at all times while on campus, including during the service
- Stay 6 feet apart from people not in your household
To enter:
- Queue in the cloister, 6 feet apart
- State your name and phone number to the representative in the narthex (for purposes of contact tracing)
- An usher will guide you to the next available seat. In order to maintain safe distancing, please be aware that you likely will not be seated where you might be accustomed to sitting
During the service:
- Pass the peace without contact
- Ushers will release pews for communion
- There will be a table with an alms basin into which you may put your offering on your way up to communion
- Sanitize your hands using the stand in the aisle as you approach the celebrant
- To take communion, extend your hands, palms upward, and the celebrant will place the host in your palm
- Turn away from the celebrant and, walking, adjust your mask and consume the host
- Return to your seat via the side aisle
At the conclusion of the service:
- Remain in your seat until the usher releases your pew
- Exit through the west doors of the church safely distanced and without contact with others (shaking hands, hugging, etc.)
Clergy will be in the cloister and at the front steps to greet you at the conclusion of the service, if you wish, though without a receiving line as we used to do.