Advent is here. It’s the beginning of a new church year and I am ready for “Good Things” to come. I love the Season of Advent; it’s a time of expectation, renewal, change and waiting. It’s a time to look toward the future, as well as deep within. As a child I could hardly wait for anything, let alone for Christmas to come, packages to open, and baby Jesus to be placed in the manger. As a mother waiting to give birth to our children, nine months seemed forever. Right now the list of things I am waiting for seems longer than ever.
So what are you waiting for? Advent is a wonderful time to reflect on your life. What is going on or not going on that you hope will change or come to pass? What is unresolved, unknown, or unimaginable? Are you in transition, or waiting on someone else to make a decision? Perhaps it’s new information, for news or hearing from someone? How are you in this time of waiting? Are you anxious, confused or expectant and hopeful? Who are you waiting with? A loved one, a friend, a companion or are you feeling alone and blue?
In Advent, we look to the future of what’s to come. Paul’s letter to the Romans 13:12 invites us into a time of renewal with his words, “Let us lay aside the works of darkness and put on the armor of light”. Many of us have gone through dark times in the last year and intentional renewal takes effort. It starts on the inside, where God’s Spirit begins to open our hearts at our invitation. The light of Christ begins to shine in the darkness as Advent reminds us that the power of light can be stronger than darkness. As we wait this Advent for the coming of Christ to be born anew in us, let the Love of God’s greatest gift to the world renew us with visions of new days ahead. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
Love and peace to all,
The Rev. Dr. Cecily J. Titcomb
Deacon for Spiritual Direction & Pastoral Care