Worship with Children
Bringing children to church may not always be easy, but please remember:
“God put the wiggle in. God is not surprised when the wiggle comes out.”
Tips for Parents
Arrive in time to find a comfortable place for your family.
Enjoy the Worship Bags or bring quiet toys or books for younger children.
Allow them to be active within limits, as long as the activity is not distracting to others. Parents may want to walk in the back of the church or in the Narthex (entryway) if they need a break.
Remember the literacy and music development that comes with following along in the bulletin and the hymnal.
Use the quiet time in the church as a special time for your family that may not be possible in today’s busy outside world.
Attending Church with Young Children
While Bethesda-by-the-Sea offers free nursery care and vibrant Sunday School programs, children are always welcome to worship in church. Children are an important part of the congregation, and their presence is valued in worship. Children in Sunday School classes join their families at the Peace and parents are encouraged to pick up their children from the nursery to receive Communion together.
Children already know God. What they need from us is the structure and the language. To that end, we offer Worship Bags for children attending the full service. This allows children to be engaged in an age-appropriate way while still participating in the service. There is wonderful literacy development by following along in the worship bulletin and hymnal! Children learn so much by doing; helping them understand why we sit, stand, sing, and kneel throughout the service gives them greater understanding of these rituals. By taking part in worship, children learn the prayers and hymns “by heart,” which is very different than simply memorizing them.
In the Episcopal Church, once we are Baptized, we are full members of the Body of Christ. Baptism is our invitation to receive Communion. That said, we recognize that from a practical standpoint, many parents prefer that their children receive some instruction on the significance of Communion before they receive. This instruction takes place at various points throughout the Sunday School curriculum.
Whether children attend Sunday School or the Worship service itself, they know they are a loved and valued member of Bethesda-by-the-Sea. They know this is their church. They know they belong to Christ and to this community.
Children’s Formation occurs weekly throughout the school year.
Sunday School
10:00 a.m. September and October
11:00 a.m. November through MayClasses are available for Pre-k through seventh grade. At Bethesda-by-the-Sea, children learn about and nurture their relationship with a loving God. They build relationships with their church community. They learn the main stories of the Bible and the worship service through engaging and creative lessons.
Children join their families at The Peace to receive communion together.
Children’s Chapel
Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
November – May
Sunday School HallwayA Children’s Chapel is offered for families with young children who attend the 9:00 a.m. service from November through May. Children from 4 through 8 years old meet in the Sunday School Hallway to enjoy a worship service at their level through prayers, songs, scripture reading and sermon.
Children join their families in the Parish Hall for Coffee Hour.
7:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.While children are always welcome in worship, childcare for children up to age three is available in the Nursery.