Parishioners are the heart of Bethesda-By-The-Sea

Contributing thousands of volunteer hours each year to more than forty ministries serving the congregation, the local community, and beyond.

It is a cornerstone of our faith to serve the community while engaging in fellowship with others.

Below are opportunities for involvement in our congregational community.

Worship Ministries

  • Acolytes

    Acolytes carry crosses (crucifer) or torches in processions and assist clergy during worship. Regular training offered, open to adults and children 5th grade and older.

  • Ambassadors

    Ambassadors provide a welcoming presence in the church entryway before and after worship services, especially engaging with visitors and newcomers.

  • Altar Guild

    Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for worship services, organizing silver, linens, communion supplies, and candles. Altar Guild service is a sacred responsibility, and its members serve at the invitation of the Rector.

  • Ushers

    Ushers play the important role of helping every worshipper find their way. We seat people, manage doors, receive the collection, maintain traffic flow during communion, and help with other logistics during church services, as well as other important events in the life of the parish.

  • Readers

    Lay Readers Lectors read the Lessons and lead the Prayers of the People for the congregation. Open to adults and children in 8th grade or higher, participants must be comfortable reading in public. Training offered before being scheduled to read.

  • Flower Guild

    The Flower Guild arranges the beautiful flowers that enhance the worship experience of our parish. Members make arrangements for Sunday worship, weddings, funerals, Christmas, Easter, and Palm Sunday. The Guild also creates small arrangements for homebound/hospitalized parishioners and Sunday visitors.

Lay Eucharistic Ministry

The Lay Eucharistic Ministry (LEM) program trains and empowers members of the congregation to assist Bethesda’s clergy in offering of the Eucharist during services.

For more information, please click here:

  • Vergers

    The Vergers at Bethesda provide discreet assistance for everyone who has an active role in the service.

    This includes checking that all assigned volunteers have arrived on time, lining up and providing cues for processions to begin, and being the contact point for all worship ministers before, during, and after services.

    Perhaps the most important role is supporting and serving the clergy and key worship ministers to allow them more time for pastoral and sacramental responsibilities.

    Vergers are trained in the various roles required and are vested while serving.

    For more information, inquire with Gary Sullivan or Jennifer Symons.

  • The Bethesda Choir

    The Bethesda Choir is an all-paid ensemble, directed by the Associate for Music and Liturgy, whose chief responsibility is to lead Sunday worship. Rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings, September through May. The choir rehearses every Sunday morning and sings at the11:00 a.m. service.

    There is also a choral service on the first Sunday afternoon of each month from October through May, and the choir plays an important role in numerous Holy Week and Christmas services, some of which include orchestral accompaniment. Some choir members are also scheduled to help lead the 9:00 a.m. Sunday service and/or the Summer Choir.

    The choir’s repertoire focuses on cathedral-style music from the vast Anglican tradition. Strong sight-reading ability, and comfort with singing in straight tone, is required of all singers.

    To schedule an audition, or to hear more detail about the program click here:

The Boar’s Head Festival

The Bethesda Boar’s Head and Yule Log Festival was established in 1977. The traditional English Boar’s Head Festival dates back to the 1300’s in Queen’s College, Oxford. Wild boars menaced villagers in Norman England, and the serving of the boar symbolized the triumph of good over evil. In the beautiful gothic church, we relive the pageantry and drama of 14th Century England. More than 160 cast members of all ages, including parishioners, vocalists, the Bethesda Choir, Palm Beach Pipes and Drums, and Instrumentalists, dress as lords and ladies, sprites, pages, jesters, shepherds, huntsmen, and beefeaters, in a mingling of secular and Christian traditions. You will hear favorite Christmas Carols, enjoy fantastic costumes and performances, and feel the majesty of the arrival of the Baby Jesus. The festival takes place on the Sunday closest to The Epiphany, the twelfth day of Christmas, which is the date we commemorate the Three Kings’ arrival in Bethlehem. Please watch for church communications about participating.