Bethesda Sunday
Full disclosure: before I was ordained, I used to avoid the Annual Meeting at my church. Annual Meeting Sunday? Great! I’ll go out for Sunday morning bagels instead.
With Grateful Hearts
With Grateful Hearts, our 2025 Annual Campaign, is Bethesda-by-the-Sea’s invitation to reflect on our blessings and respond with gratitude.
What's so Ordinary?
“Ordinary” in this case refers to the texts in our liturgy that don’t change from week to week. At the 8:00 service, we say the Gloria, the Sanctus, and the Fraction Anthem, using the same text each week. At 9:00 and 11:00, we sing them and mark each new season by rotating to a different composer’s setting.
Merry Christmastide
Merry Christmas! Many folks have boxed up their decorations, but at Bethesda, we’re still celebrating.