Fellowship Ministries
Parishioners are the heart of Bethesda-By-The-Sea
Contributing thousands of volunteer hours each year to more than forty ministries serving the congregation, the local community, and beyond.
It is a cornerstone of our faith to serve the community while engaging in fellowship with others.
Below are opportunities for involvement in our congregational community.
Fellowship Ministries
Hospitality Guild
Hospitality Guild volunteers warmly welcome attendees at Sunday Coffee Hour, Evensong Receptions, and any parish-wide gathering involving food and beverages. The Hospitality Guild helps plan and organize a variety of special events to help foster community and build connections among parishioners.
Saturday Stitchers
Saturday Stitchers meet in the Library on the first and third Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m. We invite anyone to bring needlework or bring a project you want to learn. Current members may assist with knitting, crochet, needlepoint, counted cross stitch, and embroidery. We are available to teach the craft to children aged 10 and up.
Men of Bethesda
The Men of Bethesda (known as the M.O.B) share a monthly fellowship and prayer gathering on the second Monday morning of each month. All men are invited and encouraged to attend. Occasional evening socials at church, homes, or local restaurants.
St. Mary's Guild
The St. Mary’s Guild strives to deepen the spiritual lives of women, to foster their active participation in the mission of Bethesda-by-the-Sea, and to enlist support of the entire church program through worship, study, and service
Bethesda Book Club
Meets monthly November through April on the first Wednesday of the month from 3 to 4:30 pm. Zoom available. Members choose books and lead discussion. Book selection is equal parts fiction and nonfiction.
Daughters of the King
A women’s organization focusing on prayer, service, and evangelism, women seeking spiritual companionship are invited to consider joining Bethesda’s chapter of the DOK.
Get Involved
We have many weekly ways to be involved in our community.
Be sure to check out our Church Calendar and sign up for The Bethesda Blast below!
Church Calendar
We have an array of ways to be involved in our
community - from weekly worship to online streaming and outreach ministries.
There is a place for everyone at Bethesda-by-the-Sea!