We encourage everyone to include this prayer in their daily prayers between now and the inauguration:
Almighty God, ruler of all things in heaven and on earth, we pray for this nation, as we prepare to witness again the lawful transition of power from one party to another. We pray for Donald, who lays down the mantle of leadership, and for Joe, who takes it up, and for all our elected and appointed leaders that they would know your love and lead with compassion and courage. We pray that all people of faith in this country would bear witness to the hallowed common ground of your unending and unconditional love that we share. We pray that each of us would be a voice of faith, hope, and love that can rise above and heal the despair and rancor that pervade our common life. May this parish be a beacon of light and truth, to cast out division, suspicion, and hatred, that we may, as individuals and as a community of faith, find the grace to boldly live into your Kingdom. We pray in Christ’s name. Amen.