Bethesda Sunday

Dear Friends,

Full disclosure: before I was ordained, I used to avoid the Annual Meeting at my church. Annual Meeting Sunday? Great! I’ll go out for Sunday morning bagels instead. 

In my mind — and experience — these were rather onerous affairs that included a lengthy line-by-line walk through the parish budget, followed by questions from the same handful of people every year who wanted to know why the church was spending so much on altar linens.

In a word, there was no joy. And I swore that if I was ever in charge of an Annual Meeting it would be something people looked forward to rather than dreaded. 

Which is why I view what we call Bethesda Sunday as a celebration of our common life! We’ll gather for worship at 8 and 11:00 a.m. (no 9:00 a.m. service), meet in the Parish Hall at 9:30 a.m. for the Annual Meeting, and then enjoy one another’s company at a festive Parish Potluck after church. 

The Annual Meeting itself will include my annual year-in-review slideshow, the election of Vestry members, an overview of the 2025 Vestry-approved budget, and a brief presentation from me, along with a chance to make comments or ask questions. My Annual Address will be offered in the context of the sermon at both services. And copies of the Annual Report will be made available both online and in hard copy.

Oh, and one particular highlight this year: we’ll be unveiling our new parish logo

I look forward to being with you all this Sunday and celebrating the amazing community that is Bethesda-by-the-Sea.




Start the week in the best possible way


With Grateful Hearts