Spring-Cleaning of the Soul
Dear Friends,
One of my closest pals is an expert editor. I don’t mean she pores over magazine spreads; instead, she edits her home regularly. Her place is always fresh and inviting. There’s almost no clutter! She’s ready at a moment’s notice to welcome guests.
Many of us consider cleaning a chore, but my friend taught me it can be a rewarding exercise: to take stock of what we have; assess what’s truly needed at this time in our lives; and release things that don’t serve us well.
It may seem odd, but I’ve come to view Lent as a chance to edit our spiritual homes – a spring-cleaning season for the soul. Observing a holy Lent requires time and intention, but it frees us from habits and mindsets that hinder our relationship with Christ. When we prayerfully take stock of our lives; listen to the Holy Spirit; ask for forgiveness; and embrace the things God has for us now; we’re clearing the clutter that crowds Jesus out.
There are many ways to observe a holy Lent at Bethesda. You could attend midweek Eucharists and luncheons on Wednesdays. You might participate in an evening class, such as our Gospel of John study or Episcopal 101. I hope everyone will attend our Lent retreat Saturday, March 15. Or you might seek God in a new, creative way through Saturday morning art classes.
However you choose to do it, take time this Lent for some spring-cleaning of the soul. Together, we’ll prepare our hearts to welcome the resurrection joy of Easter.
-The Rev. Susan R. Beebe