Humanity finds a mysterious object buried beneath the lunar surface and sets off to find its origins with the help of HAL 9000, the world’s most advanced super computer.
Theology in Film is a class for adults that meets via Zoom on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:00 pm. Films are assigned each week for participants to watch on their own. The movies discussed are typically available on popular streaming platforms or digital rental and are also frequently available on DVD through the Palm Beach Library System.
Our first film of the year will also feature a conversation with our special guest, Elijah Davidson the author of Come and See: A Christian Guide to the Greatest Films of All Time which we will be using as our syllabus for the Theology in Film series.
1968 Directed by Stanley Kubrick
Humanity finds a mysterious object buried beneath the lunar surface and sets off to find its origins with the help of HAL 9000, the world’s most advanced super computer.