Dear Friends,

Gratitude hits you in different ways at different times. On Wednesday it kept smacking me in the face.

First, with a glorious sunrise over the beach while walking our dog Cooper. I mean, it was one of those moments when the clouds were beautifully illuminated by the rising sun and you could almost see God’s presence poking through the heavens. You know the kind of morning.

And then later celebrating the Wednesday eucharist in the outdoor chapel under blue skies with a gentle breeze under a canopy of palm trees. You know the kind of day.

I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude this week as I’ve been signing thank you letters to all the parishioners who have submitted financial pledges for 2023. With each signature, I’m aware of just how grateful I am for your presence at Bethesda and your commitment to the future of this church.

If you have not submitted a pledge, I would invite you to prayerfully consider doing so. Perhaps you have the pledge card filled out and it’s sitting on your kitchen counter. Maybe you’re new to the whole concept and would like more information. But know that every pledge — whatever the amount — is valued. It is only through your generosity that ministry happens at Bethesda. We quite literally couldn’t do what we do without you.

While we welcome pledges throughout the year, if you would like your name included in the list of pledgers that will be printed in our Easter bulletins, the deadline is Friday, March 31.

You can pledge online by clicking here or by emailing our Stewardship Coordinator Laura Manley at

Thank you. I am ever and truly grateful.

