Please join the Community Forum at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, October 10 in the Parish Hall for a live discussion with John Brim, Chair of the search committee, and John Sory, Senior Warden, on the rector search process. Also present, from the Diocese of Southeast Florida, will be Rev. Jason Roberson, Canon Missioner for Congregational Vitality. This is another opportunity, in addition to the survey just completed, to contribute to the search effort with your thoughts and hopes for the future.
As reported last week, we have divided the Parish Profile task into sections, assigned sections to each committee member, and are working on updating it for posting. It is a good opportunity to reflect on the progress and positive changes made at Bethesda since the last one in 2010, as well as the challenges before us. We intend to produce a draft reviewed by all committee members and then the Vestry, to present to diocese staff for their review in October.
At the same time, we are beginning to reflect on the probing essay questions which form the basis of the OTM (Office of Transition Ministry) profile, which we also need to prepare in the next month or so.
By the time this appears, we will have met this week with Bishop Peter Eaton on Zoom and had the benefit of his spiritual perspective, encouragement, and personal guidance.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers for the rector search process and all who are contributing to it.
Rector Search Committee