The Patriarch Isaac faced a forlorn period in which the Israelites had been through a tough journey. Isaac’s response was to “dig anew the water wells which had been dug in the days of his father, Abraham, and which the Philistines had impeded after Abraham’s death.”
One of the most satisfying aspects of parish life is its vantage point. We get to see and participate in the various water wells of ministry happening in, through and beyond Bethesda-by-the-Sea. Summer gives us the chance to step back and appraise with gratitude what God has been doing in our midst.
Bethesda has a wonderful clergy team and staff and they are using these weeks for some needed rest, further planning, preparing us for a vigorous fall, and digging anew our vital wells of mission and ministry. I extend my gratitude to each of them.
Also during these summer weeks, your Wardens and Vestry are working hard to lay the groundwork for a faithful and effective search for a new rector. One important aspect of the search is to produce a parish profile. The information and views used to write the profile are provided by you, the congregation, by filling out a parish survey. The survey was sent to you this week. PLEASE participate in the search by completing a survey. Your opinions and perspective matter! If you are unable to fill out your survey electronically, a paper version is available by contacting the church office.
Jesus said to the woman at the well: “…those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.”
Drink up, my new colleagues and friends.
Bob Dannals
Interim Rector