This week, John the Baptist stands before us — bold, loud, and energetic. He asks us to check our spiritual and ethical compass, check the direction of our lives. He implores us to make sure we know where we’re headed. He assures us that a directional shift or even a dramatic turnaround is both possible and not too late.

How is your life? Is it balanced, generous, open, connected, honest, faithful, compassionate, purposeful? Or is it stressed, precarious, lonely, brittle, broken? John the Baptist and the Season invite us to turn around and notice God working in our midst… to sustain, build, renew, uphold, and fulfill.

The Greek word, “metanoia,” means a change of the innermost consciousness, a deep and abiding shift in a region that lies below both rational thought and emotion. Turning around begins with the way we see God, ourselves, and reality. It is not self-loathing. It is insight and understanding and merciful wisdom. It is the purposeful and inspired action to follow in the way of Christ.

During the Season of Advent, Bethesda invites us into a journey of spiritual preparation and attention-getting programs. Wherever you are this season, re-connect with our congregation’s enrichment, worship, singing, prayer, and opportunities to serve. These can be “turnaround avenues.”

Blessings for the Season,

Bob Dannals
Interim Rector