As we seek to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,” we also strive always to offer our best in worship, sometimes referred to as “the holiness of beauty.”

The many worship ministries at Bethesda connect us to God and one another in wonder-ful ways. All of us together makes joyful work! Flexible schedules and simple training keep these ministries engaging and inviting. The festive season of Easter is the perfect time to consider which ministries might be a good fit for you. Here are some options:

Acolytes carry the processional candles during worship. Adults, youth, and children all take part.

The Altar Guild works behind the scenes to set the Altar and other appointments for each service.

Ambassadors are the face of Bethesda, greeting everyone as they arrive and answering questions from newcomers and long-term members alike.

Audio/Video Production team works with the sound and camera system for our streamed services and in-church sound booth.

Crucifers lead processions by carrying the processional cross. Some practice as an Aco-lyte plus a little extra training make this a next step.

Flower Guild includes more than 100 volunteers who sign up for well-guided, hands-on work during the week.

Lay Readers read the Lessons and Prayers of the People. All that’s required to join the rotation is a quick sound check, and a tour of light switches and check-in routines.

Thurifers manage the incense at some of our holiest services. This is an option after practicing as Acolyte and Crucifer.

Ushers wear uniforms for easy identification, hand out leaflets, collect offerings, and guide people through communion traffic. Each usher team serves once a month.

Vergers guide all of the above ministries through each service. After practicing all wor-ship ministries, Vergers fill in and help wherever needed, discreetly making sure every-thing runs as planned.

We are planning a fabulous party on May 2 to celebrate all who participate in our Be-thesda Family worship ministries. So talk to me now if you’re interested in these minis-tries (and a party!). Please email or call me at (561) 853-0953 if you’d like to learn more.

Stuart Forster